Friday, 23 January 2009

FOSIS Head of Campaigns Speaks at Palestine Conference in Lewisham Islamic Centre.

Head of campaigns Oussama Mezoui gave a talk tonight at Lewisham Islamic Centre about the needed response from British Muslim to not only the Gaza crisis but larger Palestinian struggle.

The talk outlined the urgent need for activism by Muslims as both individuals and as a collective body.

Drawing on historical examples of where activism has been successful such as in America during the Vietnam war and during the civil rights struggle, he spoke about the need for the Muslim community to mobilise and take on greater responsibility in the fight against Zionism.

The talk focused on the need to lobby members of Parliament and others in the British Government. It outlined the methods and importance of campaigning for Palestine via lobbying elected representatives.

The talk also outlined the importance of lobbying against the media who have been far form objective in their coverage of the crisis. The BBC's decision to not air the DEC advert for Gaza was discussed and members of the congregation were urged to write in with their complaints.

It was very pleasing to see typically apathetic members of the community really rise to the challenge and want to become active for the Palestinian cause.

We pray that this activism and momentum continues to the months and years ahead.